Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rumors Carry More Weight Than Truth

So Ive been working really hard lately, son every other weekend, having my 3 jobs and 3 Dj gig a month promoting a tattoo shop, grooming shop and 3 di gigs, booking bands, making fliers and make sure people see these fliers. Facebook is the best way to promote as many of you know i create my Dj events and hope everyone comes and checks their drama at the door. Unfortunate some of my old drama was posted up on one of these events for my dj night and i feel ashamed not for what the rumors said because i know the truth but for how i reacted like a child, and it made the bands and my night look bad and i apologize for that. i however do not apologize for defending my night ive put so much work into it that it is apart of who i am , and i am not a push over and will not tolerate some person talking shit about San Diego, the Skinheads and the Scene im trying to bring together. its been my dream forever to bring all types of people to one night full of reggae and ska and rocksteady from Mexico to Northern California and for some person to slander the scene and my night i will not let it happen. Its up to the people to believe what they hear and i really dont care what people believe i know those of you who are good friends of mine know what kind of person i am and what i have been thru just please dont let what you may have heard about me change your mind about coming to one of my nights remember its about the music and rumors carry more weight then the truth. plus you'll be missing out on a hella of a night
keep the faith

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Forgetting Sara Marshall

I can relate way to much with this movie like when peter is on the plan trying to get away from anything to do with his ex and on the flight she appears on the in flight movie and is forced to watch her.... ugh i hate that feeling it makes me wanna throw up when i see my ex boyfriend not because i still love him or want him back he was a complete loser and hid a drug addiction from me and i had to support him...BARF! it just sucks when i go threw a friends Ipod and see both his band on their play list or his face pops up on facebook saying we should be friends like seriously i moved over 380 miles away from him and i still have to see him everyday like when someone ask where i got my tattoos done at ugh. i know i can be an adult and ignore it but i spent a year with this fool and its hard to just ignore it but on the bright side he did move on and is not stalking me anymore :) and on the brighter side my life is awesomer i have my own night im starting here in san diego at the ken club and am Djing all over the place, and am one step closer to getting my peyton cash back  and have a amazing boyfriend who spoils me and loves me so much i dont know what id do with out him!! I dont know i guess just letting it all out on here helps close a chapter and helps me get over and forget shit.

like the aggrolites say-got to keep it cool now dont play the fool now

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

enough is enough

Im sure people are sick of hearing me whine on my face book all the time so i decided to move all my bitching here, your welcome. so most of you know i was married with a son, now im in a divorce and custody battle from hell. yesterday my lovely ex decided to go behind my back and file for a divorce which is cool but then he filed for full custody for our son. luckily i found out and somehow managed to collect 3,900 dollars to hire a lawyer to go to court for me today. According to my lawyer my ex told the judge im a drug addict who neglected my son and abandoned him. he showed the judge fake pictures of a trashed house and told him i got a DUI two years back and am im going to court for theft charges ( theft charges which are being dropped, because i found a lost dog) and my own sister is testifying against me because she spites me and wants to see me fall more then my ex. so he went in there playing dirty like i knew he would. this is the same person who had me bared ( banned) from the naval base and home we lived in just to move his new girl friend in, this is the same person who packed my things and drove me off base with not a penny to my name cell phone or car left me to be homeless on the streets while our child cried for me. this is the same man who tells my son i hate him...... its been a year since he did all this to me, its been a year since i held my son last people ask how my son is doing and i have to make up something because i have no clue how he is  and people ask why didnt you go and file against him a year ago its takes money to file, and i was scared shitless of this man and after getting no help from his naval command, chaplain, the Oxnard police, or the navy fleet and family support i felt defeated. he is the only person who knows how to make me cry make me obey and makes me fear. with help from my mother who is a saint and my friends who are my true family and my boyfriend Joe for dealing with my crazy ass right now when tons of men would run for the hills i am on my feet again and have the love i need to battle.
Well yesterday i finally said enough is enough and i am fighting that person for the right to be in my sons life. the Ex wants my son to go live with his grandma while he goes overseas, im going to do everything in my power to not let them win, its been a year too long. Im just afraid out the outcome what if he does win like he always does, what if my blood and flesh gets taken away from me and i cant do anything about it? this is the biggest fight i will ever have im just afraid if they win that it will truly defeat me i can only pretend to be strong for so long.